Set in Castle Rock, ELEVATION is moving story about a man whose mysterious affliction brings a small town together. Castle Rock is a small town, where word gets around quickly. That's why Scott Carey wants to confide only in his friend Doctor Bob Ellis about his strange condition: he's losing weight, without getting thinner, and the scales register the same when he is in his clothes or out of them, however heavy they are. Scott also has new neighbours, who have opened a 'fine dining experience' in town, although it's an experience being shunned by the locals; Deidre McComb and her wife Missy Donaldson don't exactly fit in with the community's expectations. And now Scott seems trapped in a feud with the couple over their dogs dropping their business on his lawn. Missy may be friendly, but Deidre is cold as ice. As the town prepares for its annual Thanksgiving 12k run, Scott starts to understand the prejudices his neighbours face and he tries to help. Unlikely alliances form and the mystery of Scott's affliction brings out the best in people who have indulged the worst in themselves and others. From master storyteller Stephen King, our 'most precious renewable resource, like Shakespeare in the malleability of his work' (Guardian), comes this timely, upbeat tale about finding common ground despite deep-rooted differences. Compelling and eerie, Elevation is as gloriously joyful (with a twinge of deep sadness) as 'It's a Wonderful Life.'
Castle Rock er en liten by der ryktene sprer seg fort. Det er derfor Scott Carey bare betror seg til vennen, doktor Bob Ellis, om sin merkelige tilstand. Han går ned i vekt uten å bli tynnere og vekta viser det samme både med og uten klær, uansett hvor tunge de er. Scotts nye naboer har åpnet en restaurant i byen, men de fleste innbyggerne holder seg unna spisestedet deres. Deidre McComb og kona Missy Donaldson passer ikke inn i den lille byens levesett. Og nå har Scott havnet i en konflikt med paret over at hunden deres gjør sitt fornødne på hans plen. Missy er vennlig, men Deidre er iskald. Når Thanksgiving står for døren innser Scott hva slags fordommer naboene må leve med, og han forsøker å hjelpe. Nye allianser dannes og mysteriet rundt Scotts lidelse får frem det beste i mennesker som vanligvis ser det verste i seg selv og andre. Boken inngår i BS engelsk bestselgerabonnement. Omtalen er utarbeidet av BS.