Herr og fru Dust er to ufyselige duster. De bruker all sin tid på å plage hverandre, fuglene i hagen og herr Dusts fire sirkusaper. En dag legger Rulle-rask-fuglen og apen Klubbi-Klopp en plan for hvordan de skal bli kvitt Dustene for godt. Fortelling for småskole-/mellomtrinnet. Omtalen er utarbeidet av BS.
. - Alder: 6-13 år
. - God, leselig skrift
How do you outwit a Twit? Mr. and Mrs. Twit are the smelliest, ugliest people in the world. They hate everything -- except playing mean jokes on each other, catching innocent birds to put in their Bird Pies, and making their caged monkeys, the Muggle-Wumps, stand on their heads all day. But the Muggle-Wumps have had enough. They don't just want out, they want revenge.