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2015 . - Book . - 386 s.
Den Fremmede dukker opp fra ingensteds. Kanskje i en bar, en parkeringsplass eller i matbutikken. Identiteten hans er ukjent. Motivene hans er uklare. Men så hvisker han et par ord i øret ditt og forsvinner, og lar deg plukke opp bitene av ditt sønderknuste liv. Adam Price har mye å tape. Et godt ekteskap med en vakker kvinne, to fantastiske sønner, og alt den amerikanske drømmen har å by på. Et stort hus, en god jobb og et tilsynelatende perfekt liv. Men så møter han den Fremmede. Han får vite en sjokkerende hemmelighet om sin kone. Og snart befinner Adam seg i noe langt mørkere enn konas bedrag. Hvis han ikke trår varsomt vil konspirasjonen han har snublet inn i bli livsfarlig for hele familien. . - God, leselig skrift
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The Stranger appears out of nowhere, perhaps in a bar, or a parking lot, or at the grocery store. His identity is unknown. His motives are unclear. His information is undeniable. Then he whispers a few words in your ear and disappears, leaving you picking up the pieces of your shattered world. Adam Price has a lot to lose: a comfortable marriage to a beautiful woman, two wonderful sons, and all the trappings of the American Dream - a big house, a good job, a seemingly perfect life. Then he runs into the Stranger. When he learns a devastating secret about his wife, Corrine, he confronts her, and the mirage of perfection disappears as if it never existed at all. Soon Adam finds himself tangled in something far darker than even Corrine's deception, and realises that if he doesn't make exactly the right moves, the conspiracy he's stumbled into will not only ruin lives - it will end them.
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by Harlan Coben (oversatt av Chris Hafstad)
CD Audiobook published 2013
Available (Avd.: Tjøme - Location: ungdom mu)
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Beskytteren : en Mickey Bolitar-roman

by Harlan Coben (oversatt av Chris Hafstad)
Book published 2013
Available (Avd.: Tønsberg Barn - Location: ungdom mu)
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The boy from the woods

by Harlan Coben
Book published 2020
Available (Avd.: Tønsberg Voksen - Location: engelsk 82 C)
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Datter savnet

by Harlan Coben (oversatt av Sissel Busk)
Book published 2020
Available (Avd.: Tjøme - Location: skjønn C)
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Don't let go

by Harlan Coben
Book published 2017
Available (Avd.: Tønsberg Voksen - Location: engelsk 82 C)
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Don't let go

by Harlan Coben
Book published 2018
Available (Avd.: Tjøme - Location: skjønn 82 C)
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Dypt savnet

by Harlan Coben (oversatt av Sissel Busk)
Book published 2010
Available (Avd.: Tønsberg Voksen - Location: skjønn)
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Dypt savnet

by Harlan Coben (oversatt av Sissel Busk)
Book published 2012
Available (Avd.: Tjøme C)
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En siste detalj

by Harlan Coben (Oversetter: Pål F. Breivik)
Book published 2009
Available (Avd.: Tjøme - Location: krim C)
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Feil side av veien

by Harlan Coben ([oversatt av Pål F. Breivik])
Book published 2009
Available (Avd.: Tjøme C)
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