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Dog Man bad to the bone? The heroic hound is sent to the pound for a crime he didn't commit! While his pals work to prove his innocence, Dog Man struggles to find his place among dogs and people. Being a part of both worlds, will he ever fully fit in with one? . - Passer for 6-9 år
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Revetal Barn tegneserierUtlånt til 1/4/2025
Revetal Barn tegneserierPå hylla
Fant 54 titler  Vis alle

The adventures of Captain Underpants : an epic novel . 1

av Dav Pilkey (by Dav Pilkey)
Bok utgitt 1997 | Inngår i serie
Ledig (Avd.: Revetal Barn - Plassering: Engelsk u 82 P)
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Brawl of the wild

av Dav Pilkey (written and illustrated by Dav Pilkey as George Beard and Harold Hutchins ; with color by Jose Gariba)
Bok utgitt 2018 | Inngår i serie
Ledig (Avd.: Tønsberg Barn - Plassering: tegneserie u 82 P)
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Brawl of the wild

av Dav Pilkey (written and illustrated by Dav Pilkey as George Beard and Harold Hutchins ; with color by Jose Gariba)
Bok utgitt 2020
Ledig (Avd.: Revetal Barn - Plassering: tegneserier u 82 P)
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Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets : another epic novel . 2

av Dav Pilkey (by Dav Pilkey)
Bok utgitt 2000 | Inngår i serie
Ledig (Avd.: Revetal Barn - Plassering: Engelsk u 82 P)
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Captain Underpants and the attack of the talking toilets : the second epic novel

av Dav Pilkey (by Dav Pilkey ; with colour by Jose Garibaldi)
Bok utgitt 2014
Ledig (Avd.: Tønsberg Barn - Plassering: utl.barnu u 82 P)
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Bibliotekarenes bokanmeldelser - fra anbefalinger.deichman.no

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