Nonesuch Records: 7559795131
. - Opplysninger om utøverne og komponisten finnes i fellesheftet. Opplysninger om den enkelte utgivelse finnes i enkeltheftene.
. - Innhold: CD 1 & CD 2: SALOME DANCES FOR PEACE (1989): Salome dances for peace (1985-86): I. Anthem of the great spirit ; II. Conquest of the war demons ; III. The gift ; IV. The ecstasy ; V. Good medicine. CD 3: REQUIEM FOR ADAM (2001): Requiem for Adam (1999): Ascending for heaven ladder ; Cortejo funebre en el monte diablo ; Requiem for Adam. The philosopher's hand (2000). CD 4: THE CUSP OF MAGIC (2008): The cusp of magic (2004): I. The cusp of magic ; II. Buddha's bedroom ; III. The nursery ; IV. Royal wedding ; V. Emily and Alice ; VI. Prayer circle. CD 5: SUNRISE OF THE PLANETARY COLLECTOR (2015): Sunrise of the planetary dream collector (1980) ; One earth, one people, one love (Sun Rings (2002)) ; Cry of a lady (1990) ; G song (1980) ; Lacrymosa – Remembering Kevin (1998) ; Cadenza on the night plain (1983)
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Utøvere: Kronos Quartet: David Harrington, fiolin ; John Sherba, fiolin ; Hank Dutt, bratsj ; Joan Jeanrenaud, cello ; Jennifer Culp, cello ; Jeffrey Zeigler, cello + Wu Man, pipa (The cusp of magic)