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Siwār nynātā

by Ahmet Ümit ([overs. av] Rabā' Rabāb'ah)
Book in Arabisk | published 2023
Available (Avd.: Tønsberg Voksen - Location: arabisk ara UMI)
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Mamlakah laīs laḥā wujūd

by Ahmet Ümit ([overs. av] Omaīr Al-Āhmar ; [illustr. av] Fādi Fāḍil)
Book in Arabisk | published 2022
Available (Avd.: Tønsberg Barn - Location: fremmed ara mu Y)
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Sis ve gece

by Ahmet Ümit
Book in Tyrkisk | published 2019
Available (Avd.: Tønsberg Voksen - Location: fremmed tur U)
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