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Esio Trot

by Roald Dahl (text adapted by R.J. Corrall ; based on the original title by Roald Dahl ; illustrated by Quentin Bla)
Book in Engelsk | published 2020
No copies available (Avd.: Tønsberg Barn - Location: engelsk u 82 D)
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Esio Trot

by Roald Dahl (illustrated by Quentin Blake)
Book in Engelsk | published 2016
Available (Avd.: Tønsberg Barn - Location: utl.barnu u 82 D)
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The giraffe and the pelly and me : & Esio trot

by Roald Dahl
CD Audiobook in Engelsk | published 2016
Available (Avd.: Revetal Barn - Location: Engelsk b 82 D LYDBOK)
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Mr. Hoppys hemmelighet

[director: Dearbhla Walsh ; writers: Richard Curtis, Paul Mayhew-Archer]
DVD in Engelsk | published 2015
Available (Avd.: Revetal Voksen - Location: DVD ung)
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Eddap liks

by Roald Dahl (oversatt av Tor Edvin Dahl)
CD Audiobook in Bokmål | published 2005
Available (Avd.: Tjøme - Location: utl.barnu u)
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Eddap liks

by Roald Dahl (oversatt av Tor Edvin Dahl ; illustrert av Quentin Blake)
Book in Bokmål | published 1997
Available (Avd.: Revetal Barn - Location: Skjønn u)
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Eddap liks

by Roald Dahl (illustrert av Quentin Blake ; oversatt av Tor Edvin Dahl)
Book in Bokmål | published 1991
Available (Avd.: Tønsberg Barn - Location: barn u)
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