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Hovedbiblioteket stengt 12. august til 12. oktober.
Hovedbiblioteket i Tønsberg skal få nye gulv i 1. og 2. etasje! Frem til vi stenger er samlingen tilgjengelig for publikum, men den vil gradvis bli flyttet ned i underetasjen.

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You can sign in using the number on your library card, (or your email). You should also add a description.


By choosing to make use of the library's service of individual information relevant to areas of interest, the Patron thereby gives his/her consent that the information registered on areas of interest - as well as the personal information registered in relation to the areas of interest - is archived in the library. The library, via its Director, is held responsible for the treatment of this information, by the Personal Data Act of 14.04.00. number 31.  The information can only be used by the library, and in the manner described. The Patron can at any time request access to the information archived and can demand that they be changed or deleted, or demand to be removed from the service entirely. 

For more information, see relevant statues. Norwegian law in English can be found at: http://www.lovdata.no/info/uenga.html