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Copendium [lydopptak] : an expedition into the rock 'n' roll underworld
Cope, Julian (Julian David Cope) 1957-
Baldwin, Matt (eks.)
Buckley, Lord (eks.)
Reichel, Achim (eks.)
Schaubroeck, Armand (eks.)
London : Faber Records , 2012
3 CD-er
Faber Records: COPE 001 . - Utgivelsen er et suplement til boka med samme navn: "Copendium : an expedition into the rock 'n' roll underworld" skrevet av Julian Cope. Biblioteket har boka (tnr=338761) . - Innhold: CD 1: Supermarket / Lord Buckley. Tio minuter / Pärson Sound. Feathers from your tree / Blue Cheer. Einladung (Invitation): a) Zu neuen Abenteuern (To new adventures) ; b) Im Zauber der 7 Sinne (In the magic forest) ; c) Im Irrgarten des Geistes (In the labyrinth of the mind) ; d) Beim Walzer der Triebe (At the walz of the inclinations) ; e) Unter dem schwarz-grün-roten Banner (Under the black-green-red banner) ; e) International Hymne (International anthem) / Achim Reichel & Machines. Fall / Cold Sun. King of the streets / Armand Schaubroeck. All my life / Mirrors. Helicopter / Sand. Electro rock / Simply Saucer. Tidal wave / Electric Eels. TV as eyes / Chrome. CD 2: Crypto-zoological disaster / Monoshock. Mass destruction / VON LMO. Hurricane / The Tight Bros From Way Back When. Oso Malo / Thrones. The jaybird / Sunburned Hand of the Man. Baptism > Bar > Blues / Vibracathedral Orchestra. Return to heaven / Comets on Fire. Stranded in Ashland / The New Lou Reeds. CD 3: The temple / Haare. Child of Orion / Vincent Black Shadow. Geryon's throne / Orthodox. Ghost eye gaze: ghost eye see / Crow Tongue. Weissensee / Matt Baldwin. Lighter slinger festival / Gunslingers
Avant rock . - Avantgarde . - Doom metal . - Elektronika . - Elektronisk musikk . - Hardrock . - Heavy metal . - Krautrock . - No wave . - Pop - Samlinger . - Post-punk . - Psykedelia . - Punk . - Space rock
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CD O12 C